Client Case Studies

"Their understanding of our business and commitment to our success make them an indispensable partner for Pragma Finance."

Client Case Studies

360 Business Law delivers high quality and localised legal support that has enabled us to introduce many new European partners onto our platform.

Client Case Studies

"Working with 360’s specialist property lawyers has been extremely effective in helping us get to the end of leases and negotiate clean breaks."

Client Case Studies

'By negotiating a fixed fee that matches their predicted volume of work for the year, PeoplePlus knew that their legal needs were covered without a disproportionate fee attached.'

Client Case Studies

"Their lawyers are first class, are great value for money and have become an excellent extension to our team."

Client Case Studies

"The calibre of all the lawyers has been excellent and we particularly value their in-country expertise. Petroplan now has access to over 400 qualified lawyers in 75 countries."

Client Case Studies

"We needed lawyers that would adapt to our specific needs. 360 Law offers us the incisive overview that distinguishes between the absolute non-negotiables and the nice-to-haves."

Client Case Studies

“The quick turnaround and level of sector expertise is invaluable. As an example, I sent a contract to them on Friday night – they came back on Monday with 27 amendments.”

Client Case Studies

"Above all, it was the high quality of service. We needed a legal partner that we could be confident would support us at a moment’s notice."

Client Case Studies

"360 Business Law effectively held our hands through the entire Private Equity fundraising exercise and guided us through the deal with ease."

Client Case Studies

"Their lawyers are absolutely fantastic – I’d go as far as to say some of the best lawyers I’ve ever worked with."

Client Case Studies

"It’s great to be able to call upon the support of a highly qualified team you can trust at the drop of a hat."

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