Starting from 1 December 2023, the new Belgian Law of 4 May 2023, inserting a new book (XIX) into the Economic Law Code has fully entered into force. 

The provisions apply only to the BtoC practice. In such a case, the General Terms & Conditions must comply with the new law and, if not yet compliant, must be adapted. 


Understanding the Significance of Book XIX in BtoC Transactions


Consumer Empowerment


The introduction of Book XIX marks a significant shift towards bolstering consumer rights and protection within Belgium’s commercial landscape. The provisions outlined in this book aim to empower consumers by providing them with specific entitlements and safeguards, particularly in debt collection scenarios. 


Debt Collection Regulations


The focus of Book XIX primarily revolves around streamlining and standardizing debt collection practices concerning consumers. These regulations are designed to establish a fair and transparent framework that balances the interests of both consumers and business operators. 


Key Provisions Explained


Reminder Rights: Consumers now have the right to receive a first reminder, which can be delivered electronically, free of charge. However, exceptions exist for regular recurring payments, allowing only the initial three reminders to be cost-free for consumers. 


Grace Period Protection: At least a fourteen-day grace period ensures that consumers have a buffer before any additional charges, interests, or penalties are applied. This grace period is exempt from extra costs, except for cases involving small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 


Transparency and Information: Businesses are obligated to inform consumers about the recovery and dispute resolution processes. This transparency aims to keep consumers well-informed throughout the debt collection procedure. 


Limiting Claims: To prevent excessive financial burdens on consumers, the law sets a maximum limit on the damages and late payment interests that business operators can claim from consumers. Legal parameters define these limits. 


Consequences of Non-Compliance:


The repercussions of non-compliance with these regulations are substantial. Besides the potential demand for reimbursement from consumers, businesses failing to adhere to the new law can face material fines. Ensuring compliance becomes crucial not only to safeguard consumer interests but also to avoid legal penalties for businesses. 


Legal Implications and Compliance:


Businesses engaging in BtoC transactions must take proactive measures to align their General Terms and conditions with the provisions of Book XIX. This involves a careful review and amendment of existing Terms and conditions to ensure compliance with the new legal requirements. 


Professional Guidance and Support:


Given the complexity of legal amendments, seeking professional legal counsel or advisory services becomes paramount for businesses. Expert guidance can aid in comprehending the intricacies of the new law and implementing necessary changes to ensure full compliance. 


In Summary


The enforcement of Book XIX within the Economic Law Code signifies a pivotal juncture in Belgian BtoC practices. Businesses must navigate these regulatory changes prudently to uphold consumer rights, mitigate risks, and avoid potential legal repercussions. 

Our services aim to assist businesses in understanding these new legal obligations and facilitate the seamless adaptation of General Terms and conditions to align with the mandated standards. 

For personalized guidance or further clarification regarding the implications of Book XIX on your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re committed to supporting businesses in successfully navigating and complying with these transformative regulatory changes. 

Remember, while this information provides an overview, seeking professional legal advice remains essential to ensure adherence to the nuanced legal framework established by Book XIX in the Economic Law Code. 

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